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seven natural law principles

The Blind Action Principle

There are seven objective principles in total – This is the seventh principle. The sixth and seventh principles are a result from the first five principles.

Natural law objectivity

The Blind Action Principle

The “Natural Self-Owner” has “Natural Authority” to operate with “Natural Liberty” without any interference; the “Natural Self-Owner” has “Natural Authority” to obtain “Ethically-Just Exchangeable Property” without any interference; all of these positions are Non-Aggressive and void of Aggress.

The “Natural Self-Owner” has “Natural Authority” to make subjective non-aggressive moral or immoral decisions regarding his own-self or her own-self, as he or she sees fit; however the “Natural Self-Owner” has no authority to operate “Objectively Unjust (no actions of aggress can be deployed or committed).”

Subjective moral action or subjective immoral action is always non-aggressive action. The moment subjective action initiates violence to a non-aggressor, it then becomes “objective unjust action (aggress or organized despotism).”

This principle, “The Blind Action Principle” derives from five objective principles:
The Objective Principle of Embodiment
The Objective Principle of Natural Authority
The Objective Principle of Natural Self-Ownership
The Objective Principle of Natural Liberty
The Objective Ethically-Just Exchangeable Property Principle

This framework of principles forms a philosophical template for ethics that congeal from Natural Rights Theory, and is not to be used as a legal aid or in a legal capacity in any country (this philosophical framework is not real or actual law in any country).

This work – “The Objective Principle of Natural Self-Ownership” created by Maurice Elliott is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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Objectivity is Reliability

Objectivity is Blind to the Subjective!